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February 2012

Felix Sockwell, "PegaPoe-asus," 2011

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Jericho Brown
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Weldon Kees
  • Lisel Mueller
  • Janet Lewis
POETRY Magazine cover of February 2012 issue, featuring illustration "PegaPoe-asus" by Felix Sockwell
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Momentary

      By A.E. Stallings
      I never glimpse her but she goes
      Who had been basking in the sun,
      Her links of chain mail one by one
      Aglint with pewter, bronze and rose.

      I never see her lying coiled
      Atop the garden step, or under
      A dark leaf, unless I blunder

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Dare

      By Nate Klug
      Not, this time, to infer
      but to wait you out
      between regret and parking lot
      somewhere in the day
      like a dare

      Salt grime and the foodcarts’
      rising steam, at Prospect St. a goshawk
      huge and aloof, picking at something,
      nested in twigs and police tape
      for a...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine How to Get There

      By Philip Levine
      Turn left off Henry onto Middagh Street
           to see our famous firehouse, home
                of Engine 205 and

      Hook & Ladder 118 and home also to
           the mythic painting “Fire under
                the Bridge” decorating

      the corrugated sliding door. The painting
           depicts a giant American flag
                wrinkled by wind   


Table of Contents

  • Kazim Ali, Jericho Brown, Carolyn Forché, Joy Harjo, Jane Hirshfield, Fanny Howe, Dunya Mikhail, Gregory Orr, Alicia Ostriker, Grace Paley, Gerald Stern, Jean Valentine, G. C. Waldrep, and Eleanor Wilner